"At Young Living we take our stewardship of the planet and its inhabitants very seriously. We diligently scrutinize every step of our production process to bring you the purest products earth has to offer. We call it...Seed to Seal. It’s not a slogan—it’s our calling."
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At Roots of Integrity, we research companies and products for you, so that you don't have to read the fine print, ask google, read all the Q & A's on websites, become members of forums & facebook pages, call companies and ask questions and wonder if they are telling the truth... and still feel unsure if you're making a good choice for your family. We only stand behind companies and products that truly have integrity. We researched multiple essential oil companies & could not believe what we found! Did you know that a company can label their oils as pure and organic, even if what's inside the bottle only contains 5% organic ingredients? AND the company does not have to tell you what else is inside that bottle! This is scary stuff! It's true, essential oils are all the rage these days, and companies want to jump on board and make a few dollars... and it's obviously not hard for anyone to bottle up some liquid and call it 100% pure essential oil!
For us, Young Living checks all the boxes... We have been to their farms, spent time with Gary Young (the founder the company) & many employees, tested the oils and products out on ourselves, and transformed our lives in the process... and you know that once something changes your life, you cant help but tell the world.
Top 10 Reasons We Choose YL
Transparent company with absolute integrity.
Young Living owns their own farms. This means they know exactly where their plants are coming from and can monitor them exactly as needed. Anyone can visit farms and participate in the harvest distillation process... (trust us, we have done this & it's amazing!)
Seed to Seal. "At Young Living we take our stewardship of the planet and its inhabitants very seriously. We diligently scrutinize every step of our production process to bring you the purest products earth has to offer. We call it...Seed to Seal. It’s not a slogan—it’s our calling." Learn more here!
Young Living uses the first distillation method. Their goal is quality, not quantity.
Each batch of Essential Oil (EO) is rigorously tested, in-house and via 3rd party testing.
All pest control is done with EO's.
All weed control is done by hand.
Young Living has 20+ years of experience and research!