From Facebook, in reflection to the completion of a tilapia farm in Thailand:
"Just talking about it doesn't mean anything will change, it takes making a choice for change to happen. As collaborators, it was you who chose to make change, you who used your passion in fly fishing to create change in the lives of over 100 children. With a completed tilapia fish farm, these kids now have sustainable living for years to come & an opportunity to live without fear of human traffickers. Thank you, all!" "As 2014 closes, we highlight the incredible compassion the international fly fishing community displayed in providing 165 at-risk kids a sustainable tilapia farm, & an opportunity to live a free life. Your gifts are celebrated & you are recognized in the foundation that is now paved toward the future care, healing & protection of many more anxiously awaiting help." Thank you for being involved & if you would like to contact FFC about giving ideas for 2015, please visit |